Lucas Sabean


Lucas Sabean is an editor, producer & filmmaker, whose output includes narrative & documentary features, commercial video, and a large body of experiential work.

He directed, produced & edited the soon-to-be-released Devil Put the Coal in the Ground (Rogovy Foundation grant recipient), directed, produced & edited The Man Card: White Male Identity Politics from Nixon to Trump (2020, Media Education Foundation, Sedona Film Festival). He co-directed & edited Angry White Men: Masculinity in the Age of Trump (2019, Grasshopper Films), produced & edited the critically acclaimed film Healing from Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation (2020, MEF/Journeyman Pictures/Freestyle Digital Media) which premiered at DOCNYC and was a SIMA award-winner. Directed, produced and edited You Throw Like A Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity (2020, MEF). He is also producing and editing The Cure For Hate: Bearing Witness to Auschwitz (2023, MEF). His other credits include his short film “Relievio” (2000, Slamdance, Telluride, Seattle & Chicago International Film Festivals), associate produced the narrative feature “Roof to Roof" (2001, Sundance Film Festival). His film “End of Era” (2003) was part of The Underground Zero film program, screening at more than a dozen International film festivals. “The Last Stand” (2008) won best feature film by a local filmmaker at the Backseat Film Festival in Philadelphia. Choreographer Paul Taylor has called his experimental films "superb - like poems made visible." He has an MFA from Boston University in Film Production.
