2013 66 minutes 1-932869-80-8 This film has subtitles English

White Like Me

Race, Racism & White Privilege in America
Featuring Tim Wise



White Like Me, based on the work of acclaimed anti-racist educator and author Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege. In a stunning reassessment of the American ideal of meritocracy and claims that we've entered a post-racial society, Wise offers a fascinating look back at the race-based white entitlement programs that built the American middle class, and argues that our failure as a society to come to terms with this legacy of white privilege continues to perpetuate racial inequality and race-driven political resentments today. For years, Tim Wise's bestselling books and spellbinding lectures have challenged some of our most basic assumptions about race in America. White Like Me is the first film to bring the full range of his work to the screen -- to show how white privilege continues to shape individual attitudes, electoral politics, and government policy in ways too many white people never stop to think about.

Features Tim Wise, Michelle Alexander, Charles Ogletree, Imani Perry, Martin Gilens, John H. Bracey, Jr. and Nilanjana Dasgupta.

Sections: Introduction | What Is White Privilege? | Isn't Racism a Thing of the Past? | But What About Us? | Shouldn't We Be Colorblind?

Release Date:2013
Duration:66 minutes


Watch the trailer

Filmmaker Credits

Produced & Directed by
Scott Morris
Written by
Tim Wise
Written by
Scott Morris
Written by
Jeremy Earp
Scott Morris
Jason Young
Executive Producers
Jeremy Earp
Executive Producers
Sut Jhally
Executive Producer
White Men as Full Diversity Partners
Associate Producers
Sarah Marmon
Associate Producers
Larry Fleming
Associate Producers
Debby Irving
Associate Producers
Matt Telliho
Associate Producers
Carlos Iro Burgos

Resources: Downloads and Related Links



“For years, Tim Wise has offered incisive analysis of racism and white privilege in articles, books, and lectures. Now teachers can bring his insights into the classroom with this compelling film that makes sophisticated arguments that don’t back down from difficult truths. Drawing on the country’s best scholars, he refuses to let us indulge in fantasies of a ‘post-racial’ America. Wise’s political savvy, intellectual prowess, and emotional honesty make this one of the best films made on the unfinished quest for racial justice.”
Robert Jensen, Ph.D
School of Journalism, University of Texas, Austin and Author, The Heart of Whiteness
“As the neo-abolitionist of our time, Tim Wise has provided unrelenting analyses of white racial advantage in his writing and public talks. In this film titled after his book, White Like Me provides a historical look at white privilege, which is so complete, it leaves little doubt that the United States is a racialized nation. Using valuable material for both scholars and practitioners to consider, Wise’s skillful accounting of white privilege and Whites’ oblivion to it moves its audience to act against continuing racial injustices. From engaging commentaries on discrimination in housing policies to the racist vitriol that surrounded President Obama’s election, White Like Me is an educational video that finally centers the problem of whiteness and the false pretenses of colorblindness. It is what critical viewers have been waiting for.”
– Zeus Leonardo
Associate Professor of Education at UC Berkeley
Author of Race, Whiteness, and Education
“Hard and clear lessons on persisting white racism presented accurately, graphically, and unforgettably. Constantly raises the crucial question: Can the US truly become the land of ‘liberty and justice for all’?”
Joe Feagin
Former president of the American Sociological Association
Author of Racist America
“Tim Wise’s White Like Me is a powerful resource for illuminating whiteness and racism. Teaching courses that examine race critically is challenging; addressing White privilege issues is particularly demanding. Tim Wise’s thoughtful film provides a key resource in illustrating the centrality of White privilege for understanding ongoing dynamics of racism. White Like Me offers educators evocative illustrations of common arguments disputing the reality of racism in our society. It’s at its best when Tim Wise describes catching racist stereotypes in his own mind, and then walks through the process of recognizing the systemic, unconscious workings of racist ideology inherent in our US society. Consistent with the many fine works of Tim Wise, White Like Me is one of the most effective tools in supporting the multicultural competencies training of psychotherapists. I endorse it highly and look forward to integrating it into our counselor training curriculum.”
E. Janie Pinterits, PhD
Director of the MA Clinical Counseling Program at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University
“It is easy for whites to assume that they are not racist, that they are 'postracial.' White Like Me shows how these 'colorblind' racial attitudes don’t cut it. They INCREASE racial inequality and LIMIT democracy, rather than the reverse. This video helps us understand racism as a problem faced by our whole society, not just by people of color. While many whites remain oblivious to racism, others have courageously challenged it. Filmmaker Tim Wise is a shining example of that courage. White Like Me is an outstanding educational tool for both the classroom and the community. Highly recommended!"
Howard Winant, Ph.D
University of California, Santa Barbara
“In White Like Me, Tim Wise has created a powerful educational vehicle for examining the structural, cultural, and psychological forces of privilege. The insightful combination of historical context, interviews, and accurate and relevant statistical evidence provide fruitful ground for exploring racism, whiteness, and the cultural construction of white martyrdom in ways that provide a foundation for self-analysis and a respectful conversation about the nature and tenacity of privilege.”
Lené Whitley-Putz, Ph.D
Lecturer, Humanities Division, University of California, Santa Cruz
White Like Me is a tightly argued and eye-opening look at whiteness and dominant group privilege, showing how history is all-too-often disregarded, and how myth becomes reality. In contrast to many mainstream media and political commentators, Tim Wise argues that race needs to be spoken of more, rather than less, if we are going to truly work toward equality and justice. In addition, the importance of oft-overlooked allies and history is made abundantly clear in the thoughtful ending. A variety of audiences will be enlightened and inspired by this fine film.”
Kristen Norton, Ph.D
Associate Faculty, Psychology, Norco College
“Poignant, prescient, profound, political, prophetic and apologetic about his and other White people’s unearned racial privilege, Tim Wise’ White Like Me speaks to the souls of all folks the way Dubois endeavored to do and did with his Souls of Black Folks. If you are interested in working smarter to change the game this film must be in your social justice arsenal!”
Dr. J.W. Wiley
Director of the Center for Diversity at SUNY Plattsburgh
Author of The NIGGER In You
“Tim Wise is a spellbinding herald of anti-racism. His voice resonates especially with young people of all races who represent a generational shift away from the racial toxins and taboos that have been a blot on American democracy.”
Stephen Steinberg
Distinguished Professor of Urban Studies at Queens College the Graduate Center, CUNY
Author of Race Relations: A Critique
White Like Me is an excellent tool for people at all stages of understanding the reality of institutionalized white supremacy and how it shapes the lived experiences of people of color and white people. Tim Wise provides a great deal of specific information drawn from numerous sources so that viewers become better able to identify and address the inequities in the systems of which we are a part. This film is terrific!”
Frances E. Kendall
Author of Diversity in the Classroom and Understanding White Privilege
White Like Me offers an insightful analysis of the persistence of racism and racial inequality in the ‘postracial’ present as well as a sobering look at how postracial ideologies perpetuate racial inequality. Centering the analysis of Tim Wise, but also drawing effectively from commentary by scholars such as Imani Perry and Michelle Alexander, the film uncovers white privilege’s historical routes and contemporary manifestations in ways that are sure to provoke valuable conversations in classrooms, workshops and other venues.”
Eric Porter
Professor of American Studies, UC Santa Cruz
White Like Me is a phenomenal educational tool in the struggle against racism. Weaving personal narratives and social scientific data, Tim Wise cogently shows whites receive systemic privilege and forcefully challenges the nonsense that by being color-blind, Americans can get beyond the nation’s racial hump. Bravo Tim Wise for a job well done!”
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Ph.D
Author of Racism Without Racists
“Provocative and insightful! In one hour, Tim Wise both shares his personal journey and expertly distills many essential ideas from historical and current research. White Like Me challenges white Americans to cast aside the idea that we live in a post-racial ‘color-blind’ society and to confront racism wherever it exists. This film is an excellent tool for classroom discussions about issues of racism and privilege.”
Woody Doane
Associate Dean for Academic Administration Professor of Sociology at the University of Hartford
Co-author of White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism
“The systemic invisibility of whiteness is brought into the light through this well-researched, well-balanced documentary. In a highly accessible style, one appropriate for both high school and college students, the origins and negative effects of white privilege in America are explored through memoir, history, media and the social sciences for a broad but nuanced approach to the topic.”
Daniel S. Traber
Associate Professor of English at Texas AM University at Galveston
Author of Whiteness, Otherness, and the Individualism Paradox from Huck to Punk