2010 45 min 1-932869-44-1 This film has subtitles Spanish (DVD only) & English

Killing Us Softly 4

Advertising's Image of Women
A Lecture with Jean Kilbourne



This highly anticipated update of Jean Kilbourne's influential and award-winning Killing Us Softly series, the first in more than a decade, takes a fresh look at American advertising and discovers that the more things have changed, the more they've stayed the same. Breaking down a staggering range of more than 160 print and television ads, Kilbourne uncovers a steady stream of sexist and misogynistic images and messages, laying bare a world of frighteningly thin women in positions of passivity, and a restrictive code of femininity that works to undermine girls and women in the real world. At once provocative and inspiring, Killing Us Softly 4 stands to challenge yet another generation of students to take advertising seriously, and to think critically about its relationship to sexism, eating disorders, gender violence, and contemporary politics.

Introduction | Ads Everywhere | A Constructed Beauty | Objectification | Judged by Looks Alone | Thinness | Dieting | Eating & Morality | Global Impact | Infantilization & Powerlessness | Advertising & Sex | Experienced Virgins | Consumerism & Sexualizing Products | Masculinity | Violence | What to do?

Release Date:2010
Duration:45 min
Subtitles:Spanish (DVD only) & English


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Filmmaker Credits

Created & Written By
Directed By
Sut Jhally
Edited By
Sut Jhally & Andrew Killoy
Media Research
Loretta Alper

Filmmaker Biographies

Created & Written By
Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D. is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on the image of women in advertising and for her critical studies of alcohol and tobacco advertising. In the late 1960s she began her exploration of the connection between advertising and several public health issues, including violence against women, eating disorders, and addiction, and launched a movement to promote media literacy as a way to prevent these problems. A radical and original idea at the time, this approach is now mainstream and an integral part of most prevention programs. Her films, lectures and television appearances have been seen by millions of people throughout the world.

Kilbourne was named by The New York Times Magazine as one of the three most popular speakers on college campuses. She is the creator of the renowned Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women film series and the author of the award-winning book Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel and co-author of So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids.

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"A piece of art crafted over four decades, this film will change, and perhaps even save, lives. A must-have, even if your library owns previous releases."
School Library Journal
"When I was a freshman in college, I saw Jean Kilbourne speak in support of her documentary Killing Us Softly -- and it quite literally changed my life. It illuminated so much about how the media work and the impact of ads on our collective psyche when it comes to self-esteem, body image and women. I am not exaggerating when I say that it put me on the path to becoming whatever it is I am today (girl advocate, body image activist, and feminist writer). Well, now an updated version of Killing Us Softly is out... and if you have never seen any of Jean's work, now is the time."
Audrey Brashich
Author of All Made Up: A Girl's Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype and Celebrating Real Beauty
"Jean Kilbourne's work is pioneering and crucial to the dialogue of one of the most underexplored, yet most powerful, realms of American culture -- advertising. We owe her a great debt."
Susan Faludi
Author, Backlash and Stiffed
"In today's hypercommercialized media climate, Kilbourne's main point -- that advertising creates a toxic cultural environment in which sexual objectification, physical subjugation and intellectual trivialization of women has deep psychological and political resonance -- is more compelling than ever."
Jennifer L. Pozner
Executive Director of Women in Media & News
Author of Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV
"Every semester, my new crop of students continue to be shocked awake by this film."
Melanie Klein
"The response from the students was simply amazing. They clapped when the video ended! That is a first in my 37+ years of college teaching. One of my students came up after class and said: 'This video just changed my life.' Jean Kilbourne's impact on our students is simply awesome."
Tom Proietti
Professor of Communication
Monroe Community College
Rochester, NY
"As timely and important as ever... A must for everyone who cares about media literacy and gender equity."
Susan Douglas
Author, Where the Girls Are: Growing Up With the Mass Media
"Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s Image of Women is a documentary film about the sexualized, objectifying images of women that pummel us all day, every day. It’s super-eye-opening for young people and can start a beautiful lifelong process of cultivating fire-and-brimstone rage to burn off any remaining traces of shame and self-loathing. Both of my kids understand that women’s drive to be skinny is fueled by, among other things, profit, which is something they are deeply suspicious of. Also, of course, misogyny. It is really empowering for our daughters to understand this — to grasp the fact that loving their bodies is an act of resistance.”
- Catherine Newman, author of Catastrophic Happiness
Sex sells, and this update of author and lecturer Jean Kilbourne's Killing Us Softly film series examines how advertising tactics and images in popular culture reinforce unrealistic viewpoints about 'beauty, perception, and identity.' Speaking before an appreciative audience, with accompanying visuals (advertising and print-media stills, television clips, and commercials) smoothly intercutting the lecture, Kilbourne clearly relays statistics, anecdotes, and quotes. Many of the clips show impossibly glamorous, thin women (sometimes digitally enhanced or a composite), and according to Kilbourne, girls and women often try to conform to these images, resulting in widespread eating disorders, low self-esteem, and depression. She believes some contemporary ads border on pornography, and females are objectified, and products (from burritos to beer) are sexualized. Men fare better, but masculine portrayals are often linked with violence. Kilbourne urges viewers to change their attitudes and become 'citizens,' not consumers. Promises to promote discussion in women's studies groups and mass-media classes."
"I just saw Killing Us Softly in my sociology class and was absolutely amazed, inspired and outraged!"
Leigh Ann
"Jean Kilbourne's work is profoundly important. She's one of those people who makes a difference in how we see the world."
Arlie Hochschild
Director of the Center for Working Families
University of California, Berkeley
"Killing Us Softly 4 is an important, updated critique of the pernicious influence advertising has on women and men."
Anthropology Review Database
"Hearing Jean Kilbourne is a profound experience. Audiences leave her feeling she teaches them to see themselves and their world differently."
Carole Beebe Tarantelli
Member of Italian Parliament
"Jean Kilbourne is a prophet calling out in the wilderness for fundamental change in the way we communicate publicly with one another."
"Jean Kilbourne's arguments are as focused and unassailable as those of a good prosecutor. Piece by piece she builds a case for an America deeply corrupted by advertisers."
Mary Pipher
Author, Reviving Ophelia
"...ads continue to teach men contempt for women and the feminine side of themselves. All encourage people to think that life's problems are best solved with products... With skill, humor and acuteness, Kilbourne encourages action against these society -- weakening images. Never shrill, her indictment is, if anything, understated."
Jay Carr
The Boston Globe
"A must-have for classroom discussions and women's conferences."
Urbanette magazine
"Jean Kilbourne is opening the public's eyes to the subtle way ads demean or exploit us. Her writing and research have made her a recognized expert in the field."
Christine Madsen
The Christian Science Monitor
"Advertisements have undergone sociological scrutiny before... but rarely with such humanistic conviction. Jean Kilbourne's gift for metaphor threads her presentation together. As each theme is stated and documented, her audiences are moved to laughter, anger, and, in some cases, no doubt, action."
James Morrow
Media and Methods