2024 75 min (Broadcast Cut: 56 min) 978-1-893521-23-0 This film has subtitles English

The Invisible Doctrine

The Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How It Came to Control Your Life)
Featuring George Monbiot

The DVD is on pre-order and will be shipping in Spring 2025. All other formats are available now!



Neoliberalism – a business-backed ideology committed to cutting taxes, busting trade unions, gutting government regulations, and privatizing public services – is the dominant political and economic philosophy of our time. Yet despite capturing both major parties and shaping and controlling virtually every aspect of our lives, it’s a term that’s rarely mentioned in mainstream media and politics, let alone explained or scrutinized.

Our new release The Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism (And How it Came to Control Your Life), featuring bestselling author and environmental activist George Monbiot, sets out to change that. Directed by acclaimed filmmakers Peter Hutchison and Lucas Sabean, the film combines Monbiot’s well-known clarity and conviction with striking visuals and infographics to provide a masterclass in what neoliberalism is, where it came from, who it benefits, and why it matters.

In the film, Monbiot tells the story of neoliberalism’s rise to dominance – from an obscure pro-capitalist philosophy in the 1930s to a full-blown political project bent on rolling back hard-won checks on corporate power in the 1970s to its ultimate embrace at the highest centers of power in the 1980s up to today. Placing special emphasis on the stories that have been told via business-funded think tanks, dark-money conduits, and corporate media outlets to sell neoliberal policies, Monbiot explodes the core neoliberal claim that unregulated corporate capitalism is synonymous with freedom and democracy. Far from enhancing freedom and democracy, he argues, neoliberalism’s commitment to corporate capitalism has waged systematic war on both – subordinating freedom to unaccountable concentrations of private power, and undermining democracy by dismantling reforms designed to level the playing field for ordinary Americans.

Along the way, Monbiot surveys neoliberal policies that have been implemented to impose austerity, privatize public resources, financialize the economy, deindustrialize our manufacturing base, and undermine social solidarity movements. Then he chronicles the destruction these policies have left in their wake: from wage stagnation, a dying middle class, rising rates of child poverty, Gilded-Age levels of income inequality, and a plutocratic political system, to endless wars, catastrophic environmental threats, and the kinds of widespread social alienation and despair that are the lifeblood of authoritarianism and fascism.

In the end, Monbiot calls for a truly participatory democratic political system to repair the damage neoliberalism has done – a system that appeals to us as active citizens rather than consumers and places a premium on the shared heritage of our social, political, and environmental commons. Only when we have a democratic society that values and respects what we hold in common, he argues, will we stand a chance of liberating ourselves from the vicious spiral of isolation, alienation, and environmental destruction that neoliberalism simultaneously breeds and feeds on.

The Invisible Doctrine is a vital resource for courses that explore dominant ideologies, political economy, corporate power, globalization, labor history, economic inequality, consumerism, environmental issues, the climate crisis, public relations and propaganda, social alienation, and the rise of authoritarianism and fascism.

Sections: Introduction | The Free Market | Fairytale Capitalism | Rise of the Neoliberal International | What's Liberal About Neoliberalism? | The Redistribution of Wealth | The Crisis of Democracy | The Invisible Hand | Attack of the Killer Clowns | Citizens of Nowhere | Breaking the Spiral | The Great Flickering | Building a New Narrative | Rewilding Politics | The Politics of Belonging

Release Date:2024
Duration:75 min (Broadcast Cut: 56 min)


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Filmmaker Credits

Director, Producer, Writer
Director, Producer, Editor
Writer, Featured Subject
Executive Producer
Friedrika Merck
Executive Producers
Brian Horvath, Yosma Semerci & Johan Meylaerts
Original Score
Landon Knoblock
"More Than This" Song by
Peter Gabriel
Music Supervisor
Peter Hutchison
Graphic Design & Animation
John Baumann
Graphics & Titles
Ben Radatz
AI Image Generation & Animation
Lucas Sabean
Additional Animations
Matvey Kulakov
Graphic Consultant
Moe Murdock
Re-Recording Mixer & Sound Design
Ken Rich and Jake Lummus, Grand Street Recording Inc.
Director of Photography (UK Unit)
Anton Jeffes
Production Sound Mixer (UK Unit)
Anthony Jeffs

Filmmaker Biographies

Director, Producer, Editor
Lucas Sabean is an editor, producer & filmmaker, whose output includes narrative & documentary features, commercial video, and a large body of experiential work. He directed, produced & edited "Devil Put the Coal in the Ground"; Directed, produced & edited "The Man Card: 50 Years of Gender, Power & the American Presidency"; Co-directed & edited "Angry White Men: Masculinity in the Age of Trump"; Produced & edited the critically acclaimed film "Healing from Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation," which premiered at DOCNYC and was a SIMA award-winner; Directed, produced & edited "You Throw Like A Girl: The Blindspot of Masculinity"; Produced & edited "The Cure For Hate: Bearing Witness to Auschwitz". His other credits include his short film “Relievio”, associate produced the narrative feature “Roof to Roof". His film “End of Era” was part of The Underground Zero film program, screening at more than a dozen International film festivals. “The Last Stand” won best feature film by a local filmmaker at the Backseat Film Festival in Philadelphia. Choreographer Paul Taylor has called his experimental films "superb - like poems made visible." He has an MFA from Boston University in Film Production.
Writer, Featured Subject
As a young man, George Monbiot spent six years working as an investigative journalist in West Papua, Brazil and East Africa, during which time he was shot at, shipwrecked, beaten up, stung into a poisoned coma by hornets, lost for days in a rainforest, and (incorrectly) pronounced clinically dead in a hospital in northern Kenya. Today, he is known for his environmental and corporate activism, and writes a weekly column for The Guardian, concentrating on political philosophy in relation to ecological and social problems. Among his body of work are "Feral: Rewilding the Land, Sea and Human Life"; "The Age of Consent"; and "Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burning". His more recent books include the best-sellers "Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis", and "Regenesis". He has made a number of videos. One of them, How Wolves Change Rivers, based on an extract from his latest (of several) TED Talks has been watched 40 million times on YouTube.
Director, Producer, Writer
Peter Hutchison is an award-winning filmmaker, NYT bestselling author, educator & activist. His films include "Requiem for the American Dream: Featuring Noam Chomsky" – a NY Times Critics Pick & #1 selling doc on iTunes – the companion piece book a NY Times Bestseller. The recent "Healing From Hate" - an exploration of hate group activity as seen through the lens of masculinity - has been described as a “raw masterpiece”. "Devil Put the Coal in the Ground", a holistic look at the ravages of extractive industry and corporate power in West Virginia, has garnered 6 festival Best Feature awards. His longstanding commitment to issues around male identity has resulted in the films "You Throw Like A Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity", "Angry White Men: Masculinity in the Age of Trump", and "The Man Card: 50 Years of Gender, Power & the American Presidency". In addition to directing, he has produced several feature documentaries including "What Would Jesus Buy?", "Awake Zion", "Egypt, A Love Song", “SPLIT: A Divided America”, “SPLIT: A Deeper Divide”, and the forthcoming "The Town That Shot the Sheriff". He holds an M.S. in Counseling Psychology/Systems Dynamics.

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