2008 57 min (full-length version) and 34 min (abridged version) 1-932869-30-1 This film has subtitles English

Capitalism Hits the Fan

The Economic Meltdown of 2008
A Lecture with Richard Wolff



With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style capitalism itself. Wolff traces the source of the economic crisis to the 1970s, when wages began to stagnate and American workers were forced into a dysfunctional spiral of borrowing and debt that ultimately exploded in the mortgage meltdown. By placing the crisis within this larger historical and systemic frame, Wolff argues convincingly that the proposed government "bailouts," stimulus packages, and calls for increased market regulation will not be enough to address the real causes of the crisis, in the end suggesting that far more fundamental change will be necessary to avoid future catastrophes.

Richly illustrated with graphics and charts, this is a superb introduction that allows ordinary citizens to comprehend, and react to, the unraveling crisis.

Introduction | Three Things the Economic Crisis is Not | How We Got Here: American Exceptionalism | History Interrupted: The Trauma of Flat Wages | Coping With Trauma: The People's Response | The Meaning of the "Trauma" for Business | Bust and No Boom In Sight | What Won't Work: Re-Regulation | So What Might Work? | Beyond Free Markets and Regulation

Release Date:2008
Duration:57 min (full-length version) and 34 min (abridged version)


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Filmmaker Credits

Written & Presented by
Richard Wolff
Producer & Director:
Sut Jhally
Jason Young

Filmmaker Biographies

Richard Wolff has been a professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts since 1981. Dr. Wolff's major interests include the critical comparison of alternative economic theories (neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian), the application of advanced class analysis to contemporary global capitalism, and new developments in Marxian economics. He is a member of the editorial board of several academic journals including Rethinking Marxism. He also publishes regular analyses of current economic events on the websites www.globalmacroscope.com and www.monthlyreview.org/mrzine. He has co-authored several books with Stephen Resnick, including The Economics of Colonialism: Britain and Kenya; Rethinking Marxism: Struggles in Marxist Theory; Knowledge and Class: A Marxian Critique of Political Economy and Economics: Marxian versus Neoclassical. He also co-authored Bringing it all Back Home: Class and Gender in the Modern Household with Harriet Fraad and Stephen Resnick. Visit him at www.rdwolff.com.

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"With unerring coherence and unequaled breadth of knowledge, Rick Wolff offers a rich and much needed corrective to the views of mainstream economists and pundits. It would be difficult to come away from this viewing with anything but an acute appreciation of what is needed to get us out of this mess."
- Stanley Aronowitz
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Urban Education
City University
"This video is a real tour de force. In just 57 short minutes U. Mass economics Professor Richard Wolff lays out in macro terms the contours of the present crisis of US capitalism. He does this in a clear, concise way avoiding by and large the use of jargon. Any relatively informed person can easily understand the message. Throughout, actively moving graphs and charts liberally sprinkle the text and aid the viewers' understanding of the message. The presentation (filmed before a live audience) is broken down into 10 short subsections each with a single central theme. Brief pauses between sections allow one to digest what has been said and at the same time prepare for what follows. Some of the mini topics covered include: How We Got Here: American Exceptionalism; Bust and No Boom in Sight; Why Re-Regulation Won't Work."
- Hobart Spalding
Socialism and Democracy
"This lecture is useful in outlining the background to the current (and unfortunately, ongoing) economic crisis. Wolff's opinions are well laid out and will provide opportunities for research, discussion and debate both for the serious student of economics and finance as well as someone whose eyes glazed over at the mention of economics but who is now paying attention."
- Educational Media Reviews Online
"...Brimming with an electrifying explanation of how the 'American Dream' evolved into the 'Nightmare on Wall Street'...Wolff tautly strings together an economic theory (some of the observations with which we might differ) that offers a persuasive explanation of how Wall Street exploded by increasing our indebtedness as individuals and as a nation, at a time when wages remained stagnant. Normally lectures (if you remember them from college) leave a lot of time for day dreaming, but Wolff's explanation is so timely and cogent that you won't want to break away. Beyond Wolff's final conclusion about worker-owned companies, he succinctly has built a case about why leaving the arsonists on Wall Street in charge of putting out the fire that they started is an untenable strategy that will lead to even more economic implosion."
- BuzzFlash.com

Press Reviews

Chronogram | Lorna Tychostup | December 22, 2009