"The film of Michael T. Klare, Blood and Oil, provides an invaluable visual and oral historical overview of how intertwined the U.S. foreign policy agenda and private U.S. interest in controlling foreign sources of oil have been since World War II. This film should be available in every school film library from high school to university. I strongly recommend it."
F. William Engdahl
Author, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order
"Michael Klare looks into the future with sharper eyes than almost anyone else around. Pay attention!"
Bill McKibben
Author, The End of Nature
"Blood and Oil is a compelling, credible and thought-provoking history lesson for all Americans. A must-see for current and older generations who served America's militaristic pursuit of oil, and for their children who will soon be required to conduct a serious intervention at home to heal this nation's blood for oil compulsion."
Karen Kwiatowski
Retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel
"Blood and Oil is an indispensable primer on the role of oil in driving US military policy. Every peace activist, every environmental activist, and every concerned citizen should see this film for the perspective it provides on how to free the U.S. and the world of our addiction to oil."
William Hartung
New America Foundation
"A thought-provoking contemporary history lesson, this is highly recommended."
Video Librarian
"... An absolutely necessary -- and totally riveting -- documentary that every American must see to fully understand the events unfolding around us in today's world."
Thom Hartmann
Host of The Thom Hartmann Program on Air America Radio
"Blood and Oil zeroes in on the most fundamental issue of our time - the intersection between oil and war. With a surgeon's precision, Michael Klare exposes our recurring pathology: Overconsumption of oil leads to imperial interventions and support of dictators, making us the target of terrorist attacks, which in turn lead to more interventions. A must see for the general public who has been duped into believing that we make war to liberate the natives rather than to liberate "our resources" from their lands."
Medea Benjamin
Cofounder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK: Women for Peace
"Michael T. Klare's Blood and Oil is a thoughtful and important look at the history of U.S. dependency on petroleum. It is an important contribution to understanding how our nation got itself into the dire and completely avoidable addiction to a substance that threatens both our global economy and our planetary survival."
Harvey Wasserman
Author, SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth
"...a very, very well made film"
"Digging into the archives of military history, Klare discerns a clear pattern: Presidential commitment to oil addiction entails mounting costs and loss of life."
Deron Lovaas
Co-Director of the NRDC's Move America Beyond Oil project
"Like cherished notions of American 'innocence' (which is strangely capable of being lost repeatedly) or horror at any suggestion of Washington's imperial reach, the notion that the United States strives to keep control of the world's oil supplies seems so untenable to American public opinion that pointing this out in a film boldly entitled Blood and Oil seems outrageously challenging. When Klare's producers unearth a series of clips of American presidents and high functionaries saying the unsayable, their juxtaposition seems to amount to an uncommon revelation."
Maurice Walsh
Global Media and Communication
"Blood and Oil makes it plain and simple -- it's the oil, stupid. Michael Klare provides a chilling and compelling argument that oil is and has been at the foundation of many dire conflicts around the world. The film dramatizes this fact with gripping historic footage of the confluence of oil and militarism."
Andy Shallal
Owner, Busboys & Poets
"Laying his case out rather like a seasoned prosecutor, Michael T. Klare incontrovertibly and beyond a doubt demonstrates in this film that, as writer Jim Holt put it, 'It's the oil, stupid!' Not that the film doesn't open with Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity separately ridiculing the very idea. But in this documentary structured as a kind of illustrated lecture, Klare, Five College Professor at Hampshire College, convincingly shows that, more than any other factor, it's the insatiable appetite for oil that has driven American foreign policy since the end of World War II -- not only in the Middle East but elsewhere in the world as well. The evidence overwhelms. Highly recommended."
Rebecca Adler
Educational Media Reviews Online