2004 45 min 1-893521-89-3 This film has subtitles English & Spanish

Spin the Bottle

Sex, Lies & Alcohol
Featuring Jackson Katz & Jean Kilbourne



Spin the Bottle offers an indispensable critique of the role that contemporary popular culture plays in glamorizing excessive drinking and high-risk behaviors. Award-winning media critics Jackson Katz and Jean Kilbourne contrast these distorted representations with the often disturbing and dangerous ways that alcohol consumption affects the lives of real young men and women. Illustrating their analysis with numerous examples, Katz and Kilbourne decode the power and influence these seductive media images have in shaping gender identity, which is linked to the use of alcohol. Nowhere is this link more cause for concern than on America's college campuses.

By exploring the college party scene, Spin the Bottle shows the difficulties students have in navigating a cultural environment saturated with messages about gender and alcohol. Interviews with campus health professionals provide a clear picture of how drinking impacts student health and academic performance, but it is the students' own experiences and reflections that tell the real story behind alcohol's alluring public image.

Spin the Bottle concludes with concrete strategies for countering the ubiquitous presence of alcohol propaganda and challenges young people to make conscious decisions about their own lives.

Get This Party Started: Glamorizing Alcohol | Under the Influence: Men & Alcohol | Message in a Bottle: Women & Drinking | Courage in a Can: Alcohol & Sex | Body Shots: Alcohol, Sex & Violence | Last Call: Changing the Culture

Release Date:2004
Duration:45 min
Subtitles:English & Spanish


Watch the trailer

Filmmaker Credits

Producer & Editor
Ronit Ridberg
Executive Producers
Loretta Alper & Sut Jhally
Kelly Garner, David Rabinovitz
Motion Graphics
Alisa Placas
Audio Engineering & Sound Design
Thom Monahan
Second Camera
Kenyon King, Jeremy Smith
Sound Recording
Jeremy Smith
Assistant Producer
Jeremy Earp

Filmmaker Biographies

Jean Kilbourne is internationally recognized for her pioneering work on alcohol and tobacco advertising and the image of women in advertising. Her films, slide lectures and television appearances have been seen by millions of people throughout the world. She was named by The New York Times Magazine as one of the three most popular speakers on college campuses today. Jean Kilbourne's website -- www.jeankilbourne.com -- contains a host of information, including:
Educator, Author and Filmmaker
Jackson Katz is one of America's leading anti-sexist male activists. An educator, author and filmmaker, he is internationally recognized for his groundbreaking work in gender violence prevention education with men and boys. He has lectured on hundreds of college and high school campuses and has conducted hundreds of professional trainings, seminars & workshops. He is the co-founder of the Mentors In Violence Prevention (MVP) program, the leading gender violence prevention initiative in professional and college athletics. Visit Jackson Katz's site at www.jacksonkatz.com. Jackson Katz is available for speaking engagements at colleges by contacting Kevin MacRae at MacRae Speakers. In addition, Jackson Katz conducts full or half-day trainings for college staff, faculty, and administrators; high school educators; sexual assault and domestic violence program staff; health-care and human services professionals; law enforcement personnel; and others. For schedule and fee information, e-mail Jackson Katz.

Resources: Downloads and Related Links


"Spin the Bottle presents a fresh new challenge to critically analyze the impact of alcohol on our relationships,health, and ultimately our future."
Sally Laskey
Associate Director, National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Spin the Bottle is a wonderful resource for anyone working to reduce alcohol-related problems on college campuses. It presents the issues in a non-threatening, appealing manner and encourages students to make safe and responsible choices."
Claire Feldman-Riordan
alcohol educator
"Media critics Jackson Katz and Jean Kilbourne have done it again... A dramatic and sobering assessment of alcohol use, abuse, and the targeted marketing of young people; this video should be required viewing--from high school to college and beyond."
Frank Baker
Media Educator
"An important examination of the many cultural facets related to collegiate high-risk drinking."
Cindy McCue
President, Be Responsible About Drinking (B.R.A.D.) Foundation
"What if methamphetamine, crack, and heroin were promoted and marketed in the same way as alcohol: i.e., associating health, sexual prowess, popularity, and happiness with a substance that when abused can lead to the exact opposites? In Spin the Bottle, passionate media and substance abuse critics Jackston Katz and Jean Kilbourne deliver rapid-fire indictments of the subculture of alcohol abuse that exists on many college campuses nationwide, interspersed with interviews from college students who relate their mostly unpleasant experiences with alcohol abuse (unwanted pregnancies, hospitalizations, public urination, and lots of puking)... A sobering look at the truth behind the happy face that advertising and media put on a contemporary social disease, this is highly recommended."
Video Librarian
"An excellent tool for use in counseling centers, in community gatherings and church discussion groups, and especially in high school and college orientations and classrooms."
Joan Zorza
Editor of Sexual Assault Report