1997 55 min 1-893521-63-X

Representation & the Media

A Lecture with Stuart Hall



Cultural theorist Stuart Hall offers an extended meditation on representation. Moving beyond the accuracy or inaccuracy of specific representations, Hall argues that the process of representation itself constitutes the very world it aims to represent, and explores how the shared language of a culture, its signs and images, provides a conceptual roadmap that gives meaning to the world rather than simply reflecting it. Hall's concern throughout is the centrality of culture to the shaping of our collective perceptions, and how the dynamics of media representation reproduce forms of symbolic power.

Intro | Visual Representation & The Contemporary World | An Old View | A New View | Culture as Primary | Conceptual Maps | Language & Communication | Reality & Discourse | The Practices of Signification | Meaning & Absence | Identity, Identification & The Viewer | Meaning is Interpretation | Ideology & Power Fix Meaning | Contesting Stereotypes | What is at Stake in Representation

Release Date:1997
Duration:55 min


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Filmmaker Credits

Producer & Director
Sut Jhally
Sanjay Talreja, Sut Jhally, & Mary Patierno

Filmmaker Biographies

Stuart Hall, was a leading figure of the British left for over thirty years and a visionary race theorist. He made profound contributions to the field of cultural studies at the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University. His work has made possible multiple conversations taking place around questions of culture, race and ethnicity.

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"Stuart Hall is our most acute student of race and communication (and many other matters as well), and a passionate and engaging lecturer."
- James W. Carney
"I recommend [it] as a resource for teachers wanting more theoretical background on the critical cultural perspective on race."
- Donna Lee King, Teaching Sociology